Art & Soul: Wednesday Virtual Art Club


The Ross Creek Centre for the Arts and Halifax Public Libraries present:
Art & Soul - an online series shaped by artists to kick start creativity for new and experienced creators. The series' theme is collage, a concept that asks you to make connections inside and out, and between that which otherwise might not meet up. Like us.
Runs February 10 - March 24. No program on March 17.

Including Artists:

Sara Hartland-Rowe: Visual Art -February 10th

In Visual Art, the possibilities of collage are endless. Sara will explore cut-paper collage and how to put ideas together in surprising new ways to make something entirely new.

Sobaz Benjamin: Film & Collage -February 17th

Join filmmaker Sobaz Benjamin and his course students in an exercise of making a video collage self-portrait.
In Film & Collage, Sobaz will help you tell your own stories. He will start with the idea of collage and build on it with lessons on the basics of video storytelling using your phone or camera. Sobaz will guide you through exploring how things around you fit together and how to create your own short film.

Carmen Lee & Roland Au: Cardboard Portrait -February 24th

Join artists Carmen Lee & Roland (Chung Shin) Au and their course students for an exercise in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Cardboard Portraits is an exercise in seeing the potential in the ordinary materials you see everyday. During this adventure on Zoom, you will be asked to free yourself to make art. Carmen and Roland will be your guides and will demonstrate how they explore making a collage with cardboard. Together, we'll make fabulous portraits.

Ami McKay: Everyday Magic for Writers -March 3rd

Join writer Ami McKay and her course students in an exercise in deepening your writing practice through exploring new paths to observation and connection as well as story.

Everyday Magic For Writers is about practice and kickstarting the new. During your adventure on Zoom, Ami will share the prompts and exercises she uses in her own work. These practices will open your mind to new opportunities and help you to begin a daily writing/art journal. The exercise will bring life to new projects or focus to longer works.

Brian Borcherdt: Found Sound -March 10th

Join musician Brian Borcherdt and his course students for an exercise in putting aside the traditional instruments. During this adventure on Zoom, you are encouraged to start playing with everyday objects. Items you may have overlooked in your own space, from old toys to gadgets you never really figured out how to use.

Found Sound is about all of us enjoying fresh sounds and creating magic. Brian will share some of what he learned when he started looking around and will help you to create something endearing from your own personal environment.

Andrew Obol: Storytelling and Art -March 24th

Join storyteller Andrew Obol and his course students in an exercise in learning about Ugandan folk tales and telling your own story in words and art. 

In Storytelling & Art, Andrew will demonstrate his methods by telling you some fascinating and vivid traditional Ugandan/African stories, and guiding you in creating or telling your own. You can keep traditional stories alive or make a new one. You can tell the story yourself or have someone else read your writing or express your story through images.

How to participate

No registration is required for the Wednesday demonstrations.

Please click the link below to join the webinar on Wednesdays at 6:30pm:
Webinar ID: 896 9743 0455

Arrive a little early and get settled in before we begin at 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time.
